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nov 2017

 Awakening with Dolphins retreat

media gallery

Contact me if you are interested in a future dolphin retreat!

Playful dolphin

A dolphin exposing its underbelly to Makara, a rare display of total trust.

Makara and Dolphin

Makara connecting with a dolphin. This particular one briefly left the pod behind and came up from behind to spend a few precious moments, their eyes interlocking deeply.

Leaf Fun Game

Wild dolphin playing the "Leaf Game" with us!

Sea Turtle

Ever graceful sea turtle in another dimension

Underworld Beauty

School of Yellow Tang Fish

Baby Dolphins!

Makara and Baby Dolphins!

Makara's "I AM THE OCEAN" meditation

Join Makara for some underwater meditations at the next wild dolphin retreat and transform from where you are now to a more joyful, peaceful and calm existence!

JK and Dolphins

John Kinstler experiencing close encounters with dolphins!

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